Advertising Analytics

Feb 21, 2024

What is Amazon Marketing Cloud?

Amazon Marketing Cloud, or AMC for short, launched in 2021 as a secure, privacy-safe environment that allows advertisers to perform cross-platform analytics.

Who is Amazon Marketing Cloud For?

AMC is for advertisers seeking more transparency, flexibility and comprehension of their marketing platforms across channels. This includes Search, Display, Video and Audio. Currently, the platform is for eligible advertisers and XPN can help you register here.

What Data is Included?

Inputs into AMC can include Amazon Native Advertising products (i.e. Sponsored Products and Inline Search), Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP) (i.e. display and video ads) as well as an advertiser’s own data set.

What Can AMC Reports Analyze?

Data points include impressions, clicks, conversions, campaign measurement, audience refinement, supply optimization and more.

Is AMC Privacy Compliant?

Yes. Each AMC instance is provisioned do a dedicated AWS account. It only accepts pseudonymized information and is handled in strict accordance with Amazon’s privacy policy. Data sets can not be exported, rather, advertisers receive aggregated, anonymous outputs.

Custom, Cross-Channel Attribution with XPN and AMC

XPN helps you make sense of the data that comes out of Amazon Marketing Cloud. Learn how we can help you create custom attribution models to help you understand which aspects of your marketing are working. Request a demo today.

Elevate Your Advertising

Harness the power of Amazon Marketing Cloud and stay a step ahead of the competition. Reach out today to book a demo! 

Elevate Your Advertising

Harness the power of Amazon Marketing Cloud and stay a step ahead of the competition. Reach out today to book a demo! 

Elevate Your Advertising

Harness the power of Amazon Marketing Cloud and stay a step ahead of the competition. Reach out today to book a demo! 

Elevate Your Advertising

Harness the power of Amazon Marketing Cloud and stay a step ahead of the competition. Reach out today to book a demo! 

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